Fresh Ideas for Reception Areas

Updating your dental office can seem a daunting project. And while replacing your tired carpeting and wall-coverings can improve your office image, you may be wondering if there are any other ideas that would inpact your patients’ experience. A great place to start is where your patients begin dental experience, the reception area.

Here are six things to consider:

Fresh Flowers

Yes, a fresh flower arrangement at the front desk or at an end table within the reception area will attract compliments by all your patients and will signal a very special welcome to your practice.

Art Work

Rather than the dental education posters regularly displayed in the reception area, add some distinctively framed and matted art pieces. While original art is unique, attractively matted prints or posters ca also create a statement of quality.


Many office “updates” never achieve the desired effect because lighting changes are never considered. Remove 2’x4′ fluorescent fixtures and install recessed downlights. To increase the size of your room, add wall washers to light the walls and featured artwork. Adding an attractive pendant fixture or wall scones can also add character to an otherwise dull reception area.


Mixing furniture types, finishes or fabrics is a great way to insert personality into a nondescript seating area. Add a loveseat or several distinct lounge chair to your refurbished wood armchairs. If your seating count exceeds eight, consider arranging separate seating areas.

Patient Amenities

Amenities that improve your patients’ dental experience and distinguish your practice are also worth considering. “Juice bar” are becoming an example of service to patients, though they require maintenance by staff during the day to remain an amenity. Offering juices, water, or coffee from a small refrigerator at the front desk can accomplish the same result without the mess!

Special Use Areas

If space permits within the practice, create a special area for the executive patient or children. A writing desk with fax and Internet access facilitates work for executive, waiting spouse or student. Built in bookshelves at a child’s height featuring books or quiet games reinforces the family orientation of your practice.

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